[Eeglablist] ITC values

Shen-Mou Hsu explena at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 22:32:52 PST 2012

Dear all,

I try to direct the results of ITC values into a matlab file, using the
function pop-newtimef as follows: [ersp, itc, powbase_base, times, freqs] =
pop_newtimef( EEG, 1, 4, [-600 1099], [10] , 'topovec', m, 'elocs',
EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo, 'baseline',[NaN], 'freqs',  [31
100], 'plotersp', 'off', 'plotitc' , 'off', 'plotphase', 'off', 'scale',
'abs', 'padratio', 1);

However, the variable ITC contains complex numbers. I wondered how to get
the "real" ITC values (i.e. the values from 0 to 1) just like what I could
visualize on plot. Many thanks!


Shen-Mou Hsu
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