[Eeglablist] Docs for clustering when dipoles fit with NFT?

Chadwick Boulay boulay at bme.bio.keio.ac.jp
Sun Jan 27 18:47:37 PST 2013

Dear Listers,

NFT uses subject-specific MRI data to fit component weights to their 
dipoles but component clustering only makes sense if dipole locations 
are localized in a common (template) brain. I can probably fumble 
through transforming the NFT dipole locations to a template brain but I 
hope that, since this is probably the intended use of NFT, there might 
already be docs or a slide show explaining how to do this. I've scoured 
the SCCN site but I have not found anything.

Any advice?

Chadwick Boulay
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
Keio University
Yokohama, Japan

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