[Eeglablist] CDA plotting and difference waves

Dwight Peterson dwight.peterson23 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 19:27:59 PST 2013

Hello everyone,

         I am using ERPLAB to try and plot the CDA (difference waveform)
from my Contralateral and Ipsilateral waveforms.  In my Bin Operations
relative to my erpset,  I have used the following basic formula (modified
to my specific bins and channels, etc):   (as recommended by Dr. Luck in
the ERP tutorial)

However, when I go to plot the difference waveforms for my respective
electrode pairs and conditions (i.e., bins), I get a plot with axes for
each of my electrode pairs, but no difference waveform (or waveform at all
for that matter).     Is there something that I perhaps need to
install/update to insure proper plotting, etc.?   I've also noticed this
when trying to plot a contra and ipsi waveform for an electrode pair,
wherein the only wave form that will come up when I plot 1:2, is 2 (but not
1).   Any thoughts as to why this might be?   Thanks!!!

LH = [1 3 5]

RH = [2 4 6]

b1 = (b2 at LH + b1 at RH)/2 label Average Contra

b2 = (b1 at LH + b2 at RH/2 label Average Ipsi

b3 = ((b2 at LH + b1 at RH)/2) – ((b1 at LH + b2 at RH)/2) label Average Contra Minus


Dwight J. Peterson, M.A.
Graduate Assistant
Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Department of Psychology/296
Memory and Brain Laboratory
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557
Cellular: 319-231-8596
Laboratory: 775-682-8667
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