[Eeglablist] Pre-processing the EEG signals collected from walking

Lin Du ldu at ele.uri.edu
Tue Feb 12 13:42:29 PST 2013

Hi list,

I have a question about pre-processing the EEG signals by EEGLAB. The  
data were collected from human subject who is walking on the treadmill.

Because the signals were collected when the subject was walking, there  
must be some artifacts and noises in the data. Could you give me some  
suggestions on how to process the data to remove the artifacts and  
noises before I epoch the data and do some time domain/time-frequency  
domain analysis?

For example, filter the data first; reject bad channels ; run ICA to  
remove artifacts; epoch the data...

I also would like to know what is the best order of these processing  

Best regards,


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