[Eeglablist] ERSP condition differences at the group level

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Wed Feb 20 16:53:53 PST 2013

Dear Burcu,

If you don't mind doing a little hack here is description of how to do it.
Here I show you the case of ICA-based clustering, not channel, but they
should be more or less the same I guess (I hope).

1. Plot 'Edit/plot clusters.'
2. Show all ERSPs.
3. Close it by pressing 'ok'. This updates your STUDY.
4. You should be able to find STUDY.cluster(1,x).icaersp which is a cell
that contains group x condition data (each of them have the size of
frequency x timepoint).
5. You select pick them up to calculate subtraction. You can also find
frequency and time scales there.
6. FYI to plot time-frequency plot use 'imagesc(); axis xy'.

Sorry I can't provide exactly matched information. If you find this method
does not help much let me know.


2013/2/20 Burcu Ayşen Ürgen <burgen at cogsci.ucsd.edu>

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to change the direction of the comparison when plotting the
> ERSPs at the group level (using STUDY structure) without precomputing
> again? For instance, I want to look at the difference in ERSPs for
> (Condition A - Condition B) and I precomput the channel measures specifying
> the Condition A as the first variable and Condition B as the second
> variable. The difference plot naturally gives the (Condition A-Condition B)
> difference. If I want to see the (Condition B-Condition A) difference,
> should I precompute the channel measures by specifying the Condition B as
> the first variable and Condition A as the second variable OR is there a way
> to turn the difference direction without doing the precomputation?
> Thanks,
> Burcu Aysen Urgen
> --
> Burcu Aysen Urgen, PhD candidate
> Department of Cognitive Science
> University of California, San Diego
> Email: burgen at cogsci.ucsd.edu
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Makoto Miyakoshi
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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