[Eeglablist] Plotting ERSP condition differences in STUDY

Pete Manza pete.manza at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 12:25:24 PST 2013

Hello all,

I know there have been several posts on this but I haven't been able to
make sense of how to proceed with my own code, as I'm not an experienced
MATLAB user.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share some code for plotting
the ERSP subtraction of conditions (i.e., Condition A - Condition B): at
the single channel level and if possible, for scalp maps of the difference
also.  (And, if it's necessary, code for precomputing the difference -- do
you have to precompute the difference first in order to plot it?  There was
some disagreement in one of the older threads I had seen.)

I'm working within a STUDY design.  I'm not using ICA-based clusters, just

Thanks very much for the help!
Pete Manza
Stony Brook University
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