[Eeglablist] making one .set out of two ".sets"

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Tue Mar 12 15:16:55 PDT 2013

no worries

2013/3/9 ida miokovic <ida.miokovic at gmail.com>

> Dear Makoto,
> thank you very much.
> It worked.
> Ida
> On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 9:03 PM, ida miokovic <ida.miokovic at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dear Makoto,
>> I did what you suggested (loaded 3 data sets)
>> In my first email regarding this question I mentioned that 2 files I want
>> to merge used to be one file (let say "main"), which was separated in 2
>> parts (let say "part1" which was preprocessed and "part2").
>> 1. 121 ch data (which is main)
>> 2. 120 ch data ( preprocessed part1)
>> 3. 1 ch data (part2)
>> when I run the code you wrote, which is totally clear to me, I am
>> replacing the first 120 elements from file main, with the part1 and 121st
>> element with part2.
>> But I am constatly getting following:
>> ??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
>> I am not sure why...I am using EEGLAB v12.0.1.0b
>> I have noticed that when I do the File --> clear dataset(s),  variables
>> in workspace are not cleared (ALLEEG remains 1x3 struct).
>> Regards,
>> Ida
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 10:43 PM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>wrote:
>>> Dear Ida,
>>> > both of my data sets are given in paired files (set1.set; set1.fdt and
>>> set2.set; set2.fdt), so what would be the procedure of preparing them in
>>> way that I can operate with them in way you suggested?
>>> It does not matter whether you have set only or set plus fdt. They are
>>> the same. The set file is more like a header (that's why it is light in
>>> size).
>>> First you load three datasets.
>>>  1. 121 ch data
>>> 2. 120 ch data
>>> 3. 1 ch data
>>> Then run this (select these lines and press F9)
>>> ALLEEG(1,1).data(1:120,:) = ALLEEG(1,2).data;
>>> ALLEEG(1,1).data(121,:) = ALLEEG(1,3).data;
>>> Then select dataset 1.
>>> Makoto
>>> 2013/3/7 ida miokovic <ida.miokovic at gmail.com>
>>>> Dear Makoto,
>>>> both of my data sets are given in paired files (set1.set; set1.fdt and
>>>> set2.set; set2.fdt), so what would be the procedure of preparing them in
>>>> way that I can operate with them in way you suggested?
>>>> I tried loading first data set into eeglab, and the put its values into
>>>> one variable:
>>>> >> variable.data(1:120,:)=EEG.data(1:120,:);
>>>> Then I loaded second data set into eeglab and put its values into the
>>>> same variable:
>>>> >> variable.data(121,:)=EEG.data(121,:);
>>>> onto 121st position (variable and EEGs are in struct format)
>>>> Then I saved variable with save ('variable'), and then changed its
>>>> format from .mat to .set.
>>>> When loading variable.set into matlab I obtain only second data set (1
>>>> channel)...I am obviously missing something, though your procedure is 100%
>>>> clear to me.
>>>> Thank you very much
>>>> Ida
>>>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>wrote:
>>>>> Dear Ida,
>>>>> 1. prepare 121ch data that has the same data length of your original
>>>>> 2. EEG.data(1:120,:) = your first 120ch data
>>>>> 3. EEG.data(121,:) = your additional 1ch data
>>>>> 4. save current dataset as...
>>>>> Makoto
>>>>> 2013/3/6 ida miokovic <ida.miokovic at gmail.com>
>>>>>>  Dear list,
>>>>>> Is there a function to merge data (.set) in EEGLAB but not one after
>>>>>> another (I understood that pop_mergeset does that). Actually my each .set
>>>>>> file has its corresponding .fdt file, so it was unsuccessful attempt to
>>>>>> convert ".sets" into ".mats" and then put the one under another.
>>>>>> I have a group of channels in one .set file (for example 120
>>>>>> channels) and another .set file that consists only from one channel. I
>>>>>> would like to obtain one .set file with 121 channels which are 120 from the
>>>>>> first .set file and 121st channel from the second .set file. Is there
>>>>>> possibility to do this? They use to be in one file (they have same number
>>>>>> of frames per epoch, markers, etc), now I did some work with the first set
>>>>>> and want to join them together again.
>>>>>> I appreciate any help.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ida
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Makoto Miyakoshi
>>>>> JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
>>>>> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
>>>>> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
>>> --
>>> Makoto Miyakoshi
>>> JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
>>> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
>>> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego

Makoto Miyakoshi
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow for Research Abroad
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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