[Eeglablist] Why are power values different when a single channel is plotted vs multiple channels?

Gan, Hock h.c.gan at herts.ac.uk
Sun Mar 17 05:52:58 PDT 2013

The percent data tha I use is always 100%. I believe the discrepancy is due to manual rejection of artefacts which introduces boundaries of discontinuities. To enter these in the single channel case would be quite a task. I'm interested in what sort of processing differentiates the processing of boundaries.

From: Mikołaj Magnuski [imponderabilion at gmail.com]
Sent: 17 March 2013 11:31
To: Gan, Hock; eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: Why are power values different when a single channel is plotted vs multiple channels?


make sure that in 'channel spectra and properties'
the chosen 'percent of data to sample' is 100
Otherwise running 'channel spectra and properties'
twice can give you different results (but is faster).


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