[Eeglablist] Manually marking bad channels

Katherine Naish K.R.Naish at pgr.reading.ac.uk
Tue Apr 16 04:14:23 PDT 2013

Thanks for all of the help.

Is there a way to highlight a channel from the 'stacked' view of the channels? So that when I view the channels in the 'stacked' view and there is a clear outlier I can select that and know which channel to remove? For example, in the attached, what is the easiest way to find out the number of the channel with the much larger waveform?



From: James Desjardins [jdesjardins at brocku.ca]
Sent: 15 April 2013 16:14
To: Katherine Naish; eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: RE: Manually marking bad channels

Hi Katherine,

At the bottom of the EEGLab Edit menu there is an option for "visual edit...". This will open the eegplot figure with a couple extra capabilities. If you then ctrl/left-click on the eegplot figure a GUI will pop up allowing you to flag the channel (or edit events). simply select the "toggle bad channel status" and then press OK.

This functionality is not yet fully integrated into EEGLab (although I am almost finish testing an integrated prototype) and it simply edits a badchan field in the EEG.chanlocs structure. There are no GUI options yet for handling these flags, but from the command line you can use:

EEG = eeg_interp(EEG,find([EEG.chanlocs.badchan]),'spherical');
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );

to interpolate the flagged channels,


EEG = pop_select( EEG,'nochannel',{EEG.chanlocs(find([EEG.chanlocs.badchan])).labels});
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );

to remove the flagged channels.

James Desjardins, MA
Electrophysiology Technologist
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab, Psychology Department
Jack and Nora Walker Centre for Lifespan Development Research
Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave.
St. Catharines, ON, Canada L2S 3A1
905-688-5550 x4676
"'Cause you never can tell What goes on down below!
"This pool might be bigger Than you or I know!"

McElligot's Pool
Dr.Seuss 1947
From: eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu [eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] on behalf of Katherine Naish [K.R.Naish at pgr.reading.ac.uk]
Sent: April-13-13 9:21 AM
To: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Subject: [Eeglablist] Manually marking bad channels

Is there a way to select channels for rejection (for example, when using pop_eegplot)? I have been using pop_rejchan to automatically mark channels and reject them that way, but is there a way to manually mark for rejection based on visual inspection, as can be done with epochs?

Thanks for your help,


Katherine Naish
School of Psychology
University of Reading & Goldsmiths University of London
+44(0)118 378 6946
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