[Eeglablist] eegalign function

Michel-Pierre Coll mpcoll at mac.com
Mon Jun 17 12:04:19 PDT 2013

Hi all, 

I would like to realign epoched data according to a key press event present in each epoch. It works quite well for one channel with the erpimage plotting function (latency sorting, event, inf align), however I would like to batch a bunch of files/all channels and save the realigned data in order to analyze it further. 

The erpimage help suggests using the eegalign function which is supposed to replace the now outdated eventlock function. However in the eeglab latest release I cannot seem to find any trace of the eegalign function beside its mention in the eventlock description. 

1-Should I use the eventlock function instead ? Or is there any way to use the erpimage output to accomplish this ?

2-If I should use eventlock, could you help me with the input parameters, I am unsure how to realign multiple channels and to return the time-locking frame for each epoch (the key press event).  

Thanks so much for your help!


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