[Eeglablist] How to access non-parametric statistics (cluster method Oostenveld and Maris)

Felix Ball Felix.Ball at hu-berlin.de
Wed Jun 19 03:15:46 PDT 2013

Dear list,

Thank you in advance for your help. I currently try to use the STUDY 
function and especially the non-parametric test (Maris and Oostenveld 
cluster statistic). I have an experiment with two conditions and n 
subjects. What I want to know is at which time points and at which 
electrodes the two conditions differ from each other. The difference 
between conditions is investigated on the grand average level.
I read about a method introduced by Maris and Oostenveld and it seems to 
be perfect for my needs and it is already implemented in EEGLab. What I 
get with EEGLab (see matlab code) is a plot (see figure C1vsC2) with 
different time intervals marked in grey for each electrode. These grey 
shaded areas are, as far as I understood, significant differences 
between conditions. Furthermore, they are in a time range where I 
expected to find a significant difference between conditions. Now I have 
2 questions:

1) I want to access the statistics that are the basis of this plot. Does 
someone know where I can find them or do I have bugs in my code, 
preventing me from accessing the stats variables? I was not able to find 
any variable in my workspace resembling the results shown in figure 

2) The result I expected (after reading the Maris and Oostenveld paper), 
slightly differs from the result I receive. I expected only one cluster 
of neighbor electrodes and one continuous time interval to be shaded in 
grey in the plot. This cluster- time interval combination would be the 
maximum effect between conditions. However, looking at figure C1vsC2, I 
see that neighbor electrodes have a grey shaded areas, but these areas 
are not necessarily continuous and are not equal for all electrodes. If 
I just look at one electrode, e.g. FC3 (see appendix), I see that the 
time range is sometimes interrupted. How do I know when conditions start 
and stop to be significantly different, if there is not only one time 
interval of significant difference? I need to know the time range 
because I want to pick the mean amplitude (in the time range) for a 
regression analysis.

Thank you for your help and kind regards. felix

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