[Eeglablist] mcorrect

david grahms david.grahms at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 06:17:27 PDT 2013


I am having difficulties with correction for multiple comparisons. It seems
like the only correction that can be applied to the p-values is FDR.
Neither Bonferroni nor Holms is applied when so is stated. I have this
problem both from the GUI and from the command line and have tried v.11, 12
and 13 of EEGlab with the same result.

>From the command line:

STUDY = pop_statparams(STUDY, 'condstats', 'on', 'groupstats', 'on',
'method', 'param', 'alpha', 0.05, 'mcorrect', 'holms');

Am I going at this completely wrong? Do Bonferroni or Holms even work?

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