[Eeglablist] Importing channels with Polhemus

Amaya A Arcelus aarcelus at mit.edu
Mon Dec 9 14:26:33 PST 2013

Dear all:

I am experimenting with importing the channel information using a Polhemus elp file.  I recorded 68 channels on EEG, but only have information for 64 in the Polhemus elp.  Whenever I import the Polhemus file, eeglab responds with "The number of data channels (64) not including fiducials does not correspond to the initial number of channels (68), so for consistency purposes new channel information will be ignored if this function was called from EEGLAB. If you have added a reference channel manually, check the 'Data channel' checkbox is off."  I have checked the data channel box off, and even then it rejects the channel locations.  Do you have any suggestions/feedback about how to overcome this?  It would be much appreciated.


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