[Eeglablist] How to add channels/ channel-number problem

Florian Faehling florian.faehling at gmail.com
Sun Jun 29 05:12:58 PDT 2014

Dear EEGLAB-community,


to prepare my EEG data for ERP analysis, I removed bad channels (noisy from
tDCS and one GSR channel) in my datasets using “Edit>select data>channel
range (the remove box ticked)” in the gui. When I calculated grand averages
(using the ERP-toolbox), logically, the error “different numbers of
channels” occurred. 


I therefore tried to add new channels  with both the “append channel” in the
“Edit-> channel locations” gui of eeglab and “EEG-channel operation” of the
ERP-toolbox-GUI . I do get the same amount of channels in the datasets then,
yet now the error “matrix dimensions must agree” when I try any operation
such as interpolating the channels. 


Is there any way of adding channels or better, edit the channel numbers? I
fear that this problem is due to my rather premature understanding EEGLAB
and would very much appreciate any explanation of what I did wrong on a
deeper level (I assume that I somehow changed the channel numbers in the
dataset yet not in the channel location file etc?). 


Also, I would be very grateful for an advice of how to treat bad channels in
a more sensible way, when, as in my case, it is inevitable to remove some of
them ( I read that interpolating them before ICA is not advisable and had
the above described option from an EEGLAB lecture online)


Thank you so much for ideas & sorry if this is a hypercomplication of a for
you seemingly trivial error :)


Florian Faehling


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