[Eeglablist] Error regarding dataset number of channels

Nguyen, Lydia T ltnguyn2 at illinois.edu
Tue Jan 27 10:09:10 PST 2015

Hi everyone,

Once I have loaded all of my datasets and I create a study using all loaded datasets, I have to go through and enter the groups, conditions, etc. I then proceed to Select/Edit study design and then precompute channel measures. When doing a study where I only enter the conditions, but don't have my data sorted into groups, it starts to run and then I get a getdatact error that says "Datasets to be concatenated do not have the same number of channels". However, when I check the number of channels in each dataset they all say there are 62. I also checked the epoched .eeg files in NeuroScan and they don't have any missing electrodes.

However, if I try running the study by grouping the data into two different groups, the study runs just fine and I get no errors. Has anybody had this problem before? I am using eeglab version 13.1.1.

Thank you,

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