[Eeglablist] Importing events from trigger channel

Joppe Klein Breteler joppe.kleinbreteler at psych.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 22 04:47:16 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I can only seem to import the events from my trigger channel if I remove any data which does not have any triggers in it for about 10s. If I do not, I get the following error:

Error using pop_chanevent (line 238)
Error while attempting to extract event durations
Maybe edges are not perfectly defined, try increasing edge length

However, the edges are perfectly defined and if I remove all data without triggers, it works without any problems. Does anyone have the same problem or suggestions on how I could workaround this?

Thanks in advance,

Joppe Klein Breteler
Oxford University
Neurosciences - Department of Psychiatry
Oxford OX37JX
United Kingdom

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