[Eeglablist] Can't turn off "ERPLAB - Modify EEG.event GUI" warning during EEGLAB script

Ryan Kopstick rkopstick at rogers.com
Wed May 31 17:03:27 PDT 2017

Hi EEGLAB Community,

I've been dealing with an annoying Warning prompt in my EEGLAB preprocessing script that I made. For whatever reason, I have to engage with the GUI's Warning prompt "Modify EEG.event GUI" from ERPLAB, whenever I reach this line of code where I assign my eventlist: EEG  = pop_editeventlist( EEG , 'AlphanumericCleaning', 'on', 'BoundaryNumeric', { -99}, 'BoundaryString', { 'epoc' }, 'List', eventPath, 'SendEL2', 'EEG', 'Warning', 'off', 'UpdateEEG', 'on' ). When I looked inside pop_editeventlist, it seems there is indeed the Warning argument available, where as you can see I turned off. However, I continously get this prompt, stalling my code until I select which info is to be used as EventType (numeric codes, code labels, bin labels, bin index). How can you stop this warning from appearing?
Best regards,Ryan KopstickMSc CandidateUBC Brain Dynamics Lab
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