[Eeglablist] Multiple Source Eye Correction using dipfit?

Max Cantor Max.Cantor at colorado.edu
Tue Jul 18 13:26:17 PDT 2017

Accidentally sent before I was finished! I was also going to mention that
the reason I want to use this sort of method is that using ICA alone,
barring some other issue, is proving to be insufficient for saccade
correction. I'm currently manually removing ICs corresponding to blinks and
saccades, but I think that my correction method is either not removing the
saccade effect well enough, or removing too much of the neural signal in
addition to the saccade. I've also tried a variance-ratio criteria (see
citation), which seems to pick out the same ICs as saccade-related as I do
manually. This suggests to me that without some sort of spatial filter, I
may not be able to remove the effect of the saccade without also removing
the cognitive processes I'm interested in. I'm hoping that a dipole-based
(or potentially some other) spatial filter can give me better ICs, which
can hopefully allow me to remove the saccadic activity without also
removing the neural signature.


Plöchl, M., Ossandón, J. P., & König, P. (2012). Combining EEG and eye
tracking: identification, characterization, and correction of eye movement
artifacts in electroencephalographic data. *Frontiers in human neuroscience*
, *6*.

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 2:18 PM, Max Cantor <Max.Cantor at colorado.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a method for multiple source eye correction (MSEC) using BESA
> (see citation) which I am interested in using for an EEG + Eye Movement
> coregistration study. However, is there a way to implement this method
> without BESA, such as using EEGLAB's dipfit function?
> Berg, P., & Scherg, M. (1994). A multiple source approach to the
> correction of eye artifacts. *Electroencephalography and clinical
> neurophysiology*, *90*(3), 229-241.
> --
> Max Cantor
> Graduate Student
> Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab
> University of Colorado Boulder

Max Cantor
Graduate Student
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab
University of Colorado Boulder
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