[Eeglablist] Pre-processing pipeline

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Wed Sep 27 22:32:28 PDT 2017

Dear Natali,

> Do I have to define the working directory and the dataset name before
this step? Do I have to have rawData folder?

Good point! You don't want to repeat the boring manual button clicking
2,000 times. That's a good motivation to start coding.

The code is already written to loop across all the subjects (i.e., all the
.bdf files under the folder). I recommend you observe how it works by step
by step using a 'debug mode' of Matlab (i.e., put a break point in the
first line of code, run it, use step-by-step progress button from Matlab


On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 1:55 AM, Bozhilova, Natali <
natali.bozhilova at kcl.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear Makoto,
> I am a first year PhD student and I have been using your pre-processing
> pipeline to prepare my data for ICA. I have found it really useful.
> However, I am still struggling with looping the participants.
> If you do not mind, would you be kind to help me with the looping so I do
> not have to load every single participant manually?
> % Step 1: Change the option to use double precision.
> cd('/data/project/example')
> rawDataFiles = dir('*.bdf');
> for subjID = 1:length(rawData)
>     loadName = rawDataFiles(subjID).name;
>     dataName = loadName(1:end-4);
> Do I have to define the working directory and the dataset name before this
> step? Do I have to have rawData folder?
> Best wishes,
> Natali

Makoto Miyakoshi
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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