[Eeglablist] Trouble inserting Boundary Events at Selecting data

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 21:10:08 PDT 2017

Hello Agustin.

don't worry, one should be having no problem with this, rejecting of
continuous works smoothly in eeglab.

First reject the periods (pressing okay/reject in the GUI) and then make
sure the file gets updated in memory (review eegh output after you do the
rejection). Then reopen and view the continuous data. Do you see the
boundary break events now ?

Look into ur.epochs part of the EEG structure, which should contain start
and end times for boundaries. I believe you can google tutorial information
on urevent fields, etc...

You should see the boundary breaks. Make sure to test this all with the GUI
first, and if you are trying to use code instead of the gui, review the
eegh output after various steps.

Let us know of your progress.

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Agustín Solano <
asolano at bioingenieria.edu.ar> wrote:

> Dear community,
> I am working woth continuous sleep data. I have to Select Data
> corresponding to different sleep stages and I need to track changes. Doing
> some tests I realized that if I select a portion of continuos data I don't
> get the Boundaries Events at the begining and at the end of the selected
> portion (corresponding to the rejected data).
> In matlab Command Window I see the output (for example):
> *  eeg_insertbound(): 2 boundary (break) events added.*
> *  eeg_checkset note: upper time limit (xmax) adjusted so
> (xmax-xmin)*srate+1 = number of frames*
> *  eeg_insertbound(): 2 boundary (break) events added.*
> *  Creating a new ALLEEG dataset 3*
> But EEG.event is empty..
> Any ideas? Am I missing something?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> *Bioing. Agustín Solano*
> Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica (IFIBIO) - Bernardo Houssay
> Laboratorio de Fisiología de la Acción, Facultad de Medicina (UBA)
> Paraguay 2155, Capital Federal
> Buenos Aires, C1121ABG
> Argentina
> Tel: 54 11 5 950 9500 (2132)
> http://www.physiologyofactionlab.info
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