[Eeglablist] Residual Variance in determining ICAs

ben.willems at faa.gov ben.willems at faa.gov
Thu May 24 10:47:41 PDT 2018

Good afternoon,

We are going to use EEGLAB to time-lock on the start of eye movement fixations. We are calculating ICAs as well. The task that we are monitoring is air traffic control. So, this is cognition in the wild, i.e. there are a lot of tasks going on at once. Most of the studies I have seen that are successful in determining ICs use rather clean laboratory tasks. What do you feel would be an acceptable residual variance to accept or reject ICs in a task like ours?



Ben Willems
Engineering Research Psychologist
Human Factor Branch (ANG-E25)
Aviation Research Division (ANG-E2)
William J Hughes Technical Center (ANG-E)
Research, Development, and Human Factors Laboratory (Building 28)
Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405
Office +1-609-485-4191
Fax +1-609-485-6218
Cell +1-609-369-1660

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