[Eeglablist] fastICA and spatial correlation

Norman Sinnigen norman.sinnigen at student.uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Jul 2 07:48:52 PDT 2018


I am sorry if my question is weird or not 100% clear, but I am a newbie with EEGLAB and hope to get some hints.

My aim is to run ICA on a corrected EEG data set (data(1:64;1:30000)) using fastICA (I guess fastICA was the only function enabling me to adjust the number of IC’s (?))  - computing only 10 components – in order to remove eye movements. 

The output I get from fastICA are: icasig (10 x 30000 matrix), A (63 x 10 matrix) and W (10 x 63 matrix). Now I want to reject components that contain artifacts by finding a spatial correlation between the components from fastICA results and a template (1x63 matrix) and if the max cross correlation value is > 0.7 it should reject the components and reconstruct the data.

My problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to start and proceed with the matrices I have. 

Would someone have any hints for me? 

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