[Eeglablist] Automatic channel rejection by script

Sebastian Sauppe sauppe.s at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 14:20:37 PDT 2018

Dear EEGLAB list members,

during preprocessing of data from a 128 channel EGI Geodesic Sensor Net, I want to automatically reject channels and save their indices so that I can later interpolate the reject channels. However, I want to exclude EOG channels from this step because I want to keep them for classifying ICs later.

When I run the command (excluding EOG channels)

>> [EEG, indelec] = pop_rejchan(EEG, 'elec',[1:7 9 10:13 15 16:20 22 23 24 26 27:122 127] ,'threshold',5,'norm','on','measure','kurt’);

EEGLAB rejects 10 channels in my example data set and gives me their indices. However, the indices are continuously counted excluding the EOGs so that they don’t always reflect the channel indices in the actual dataset. The EOGs are channels [E8 E14 E21 E25 E126 E126 E127 E128] and in the list with rejected channels, for example E9 has index 8 because E8 was not included, E15 has index 13 because E14 was not included etc.

Is there a way to extract the actual indices of rejected channels so that in the later step the correct channels are interpolated? Can this somehow be done via the the electrode names rather their indices?

Any hint is highly appreciated.

Computing kurtosis for channels...
10 electrodes labeled for rejection
#	Elec.	Measure
1	E1	21.11	*Bad*
2	E2	0.52
3	E3	5.41	*Bad*
4	E4	-1.22
5	E5	-0.90
6	E6	-0.70
7	E7	-0.55
8	E9	14.22	*Bad*
9	E10	5.08	*Bad*
10	E11	-1.37
11	E12	-1.14
12	E13	-1.17
13	E15	2.08
14	E16	2.31
15	E17	2.96
16	E18	4.43
17	E19	1.90
18	E20	2.88
19	E22	2.19
20	E23	3.88
21	E24	8.80	*Bad*
22	E26	-0.60
23	E27	13.31	*Bad*
24	E28	-1.03
25	E29	0.45
26	E30	-0.72
27	E31	-0.86
28	E32	4.64
29	E33	-0.48
30	E34	-0.51
31	E35	-0.49
32	E36	-0.44
33	E37	-0.02
34	E38	-1.36
35	E39	-1.04
36	E40	-1.05
37	E41	-0.37
38	E42	0.07
39	E43	-0.65
40	E44	-0.88
41	E45	-0.73
42	E46	-0.99
43	E47	-0.36
44	E48	5.79	*Bad*
45	E49	-1.19
46	E50	-1.09
47	E51	-0.46
48	E52	-0.14
49	E53	-0.22
50	E54	0.01
51	E55	-0.21
52	E56	-0.33
53	E58	0.04
54	E59	-0.18
55	E60	-0.17
56	E61	-0.22
57	E62	-0.26
58	E63	-1.17
59	E64	-1.23
60	E65	0.10
61	E66	-0.71
62	E67	-0.05
63	E68	-0.91
64	E69	0.09
65	E70	-0.47
66	E71	-0.20
67	E72	-0.46
68	E73	-0.15
69	E74	0.67
70	E75	-0.31
71	E76	0.07
72	E77	-0.31
73	E78	0.07
74	E79	-0.10
75	E80	-0.21
76	E81	1.45
77	E82	3.49
78	E83	-0.18
79	E84	-0.38
80	E85	0.10
81	E86	0.25
82	E87	-0.06
83	E88	-0.90
84	E89	0.09
85	E90	0.16
86	E91	0.11
87	E92	0.16
88	E93	-0.03
89	E94	0.92
90	E95	-0.41
91	E96	0.31
92	E97	0.13
93	E98	0.12
94	E99	-1.40
95	E101	0.76
96	E102	0.19
97	E103	-0.18
98	E104	18.00	*Bad*
99	E105	-0.31
100	E106	-0.37
101	E107	-1.16
102	E108	-0.46
103	E109	-0.26
104	E110	-1.24
105	E111	-0.85
106	E112	-0.72
107	E113	-1.15
108	E114	-0.68
109	E115	0.00
110	E116	-1.26
111	E117	-1.00
112	E118	0.52
113	E119	44.10	*Bad*
114	E120	0.75
115	E121	34.52	*Bad*
116	E122	1.97
117	E123	-0.66
118	E124	-1.34
119	Cz	-0.35
Removing 10 channel(s)...


Dr. Sebastian Sauppe
Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/sauppes/ <https://sites.google.com/site/sauppes/>
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