[Eeglablist] eegplot() GUI scale

Bethel Osuagwu bethel.osuagwu at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 02:18:31 PDT 2018

Dear All,
I posted this some time ago and had no response; I am posting again because
I think this could be a bug.

I am using EEGLAB(v13.5.4b) to process data and am struggling to scale trace
amplitudes. When I open the recording the eegplot just snap to certain
scale which do not necessary allow me to correctly visualise the data
amplitude. Using the  +- buttons to change the scale does not have any
effect. Also using the input field to change the scale does not work as the
input field only snap to certain values. This could be because the
amplitude in some channels are very high compared with others. I keep
having to plot the data using matlab plot in other to visualise it.

How can I change the scale to any arbitrary value so to see the trace
amplitudes nicely?


*Bethel A. C. Osuagwu*
Clinical Research Fellow

*Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research*
National Spinal Injuries Centre
Mandeville Road
HP21 8AL
Tel: 01296 31 5963 (Applied NeuroLab)
*lifeafterparalysis.com <http://lifeafterparalysis.com/>*

*justgiving.com/smsr <http://justgiving.com/smsr>*
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