[Eeglablist] Inconsistent results using clean_artifacts

Yarden Ben Horin benhoriy at post.bgu.ac.il
Mon Apr 6 04:37:28 PDT 2020

Hi all,

My colleagues and I ran into a very strange problem while using eeglab
plugin clean_rawData.
We tried to use the clean_artifacts function to clean our data, but we got
inconsistent result at each run. By inconsistent, the meaning is that
different numbers of channels were removed from the data.

The code:
EEG_clean = clean_artifacts(EEG,

We merely used EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 'locutoff',4,'plotfreqz',0);
before running clean_artifacts. We ran the code on several computers (all
with the latest versions  of eeglab and clean_rawData), and each run on the
same dataset produced different result (even on the same computer.)

Does clean_artifacts, or one of its sub functions, not
deterministic function?

Hopefully you could help us with this frustrating situation.
Many thanks,
Yarden Ben Horin.

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