[Eeglablist] Call for Papers: Special Issue On EEG Methods for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientists

George Buzzell georgebuzzell at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 09:33:26 PDT 2020

Apologies in advance for cross-posting.

Call for Papers: Special Issue On EEG Methods for Developmental Cognitive

We are now accepting letters of intent for submissions to a special issue
in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (IF = 4.92). The special issue is
entitled, “EEG Methods for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientists: A
Tutorial Approach” and will assemble a series of papers, with accompanying
tutorials and code, focused on advanced EEG analysis approaches for
developmental research. We are placing particular emphasis on promising
methods that have not been widely adopted by developmental scientists. Our
goal is to provide both novice and experienced researchers with a set of
resources that will facilitate rapid application of these analytic methods
within the field of developmental science. Thus, we seek papers that not
only explain the theoretical and conceptual steps involved in novel
EEG-analytic approaches, but also contain step-by-step tutorials on how to
apply these methods to one’s own data. Additionally, all submitted papers
must include well-commented code and an example dataset that will be made
publicly available.

Complete details of the special issue can be found here
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.journals.elsevier.com/developmental-cognitive-neuroscience/call-for-papers/special-issue-eeg-methods-for-developmental-cognitive-neuros__;!!Mih3wA!Ucu0YHwtIerKS8hyn1woFvbr0Df6THJZVIpBqx0sPtdhiLhcsWXMc7ykE1cfOg8-szYsbA$ >
in the attached pdf). If you are interested in submitting a manuscript,
then a letter of intent is needed by August 1st, 2020. Please send letters
of intent or additional inquiries to gbuzzell at fiu.edu. I hope that many of
you will consider a submission proposal.



George A. Buzzell
University of Maryland, College Park
Incoming: Asst. Prof., Florida International University

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