[Eeglablist] ICA Talk by Juri Kropotov

Rogene Eichler West, Ph.D. rogene at brainhealthnorthwest.com
Wed Jun 17 20:03:12 PDT 2020

Hello All,

This talk on ICA by Dr. Juri Kropotov and sponsored by ISNR will take place a week from this Friday (26 June).


Theory.  Theoretical foundations of ICA in EEG research and applications.

  1.  Volume conductance of electrical sources as the main problem in EEG/ERP research (5 min)
  2.  ICA as a method of the blind source separation approach (10 min)
  3.  A mixing model and requirements for application of ICA (5 min)
  4.  ICA for correcting eye movement artifacts (10 min)
  5.  Effect of reference on spontaneous EEG and ERPs (5 min)
  6.  The current source density as a reference free montage (5 min)
  7.  Second order statistics for extracting hidden components in ERP research (5 min)
Practice.  An example of decomposing 19-channel EEG into independent components in WinEEG (15 min).
Comparison of EEG spectra and coherence with the HBI database.

Professor Juri Kropotov is a head of laboratory at the Institute of the Human Brain of Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of 300 scientific papers and 13 books, received the USSR State Prize in 1985 and the Copernicus Prize in 2009.  His current scientific research focuses on functional neuromarkers for psychiatry and neurology.


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