[Eeglablist] Reading EEG data from a .mat file into EEGLAB

Poikonen Hanna hanna.poikonen at gess.ethz.ch
Sun Jun 21 09:42:28 PDT 2020


I’m trying to read in EEG data to EEGLAB (v2019.1 in MATLAB version R2019b) which is saved as .mat file. Previously, I’ve used successfully the command below for .bdf files with an older version of EEGLAB. However, now for the .mat file I get the following error message:
EEG = pop_biosig([ctrlpth condi '_Control' num2str(subj) '_WholeStimulusData.mat'], ...
    'channels', [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16], ...
    'ref', [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]);

Error message:
Warning: File: sopen.m Line: 8447 Column: 87
Unrecognized pragma "%#26".
> In pop_biosig>readfile (line 238)
  In pop_biosig (line 165)
  In esikasittely_05_100Hz_LIVELab (line 87)
Reference to non-existent field 'brainvision'.

Error in sopen (line 6515)
        elseif flag.brainvision,

Error in pop_biosig>readfile (line 238)
dat = sopen(filename, 'r', channels,'OVERFLOWDETECTION:OFF');

Error in pop_biosig (line 165)
[dat DAT interval] = readfile(filename, g.channels, g.blockrange, g.memorymapped);

Error in esikasittely_05_100Hz_LIVELab (line 87)
        EEG = pop_biosig([ctrlpth condi '_Control' num2str(subj) '_WholeStimulusData.mat'], ...
How can I read the EEG data from the .mat files into EEGLAB to be able to re-reference, bandpass filter to later form .set and .study files?

Kind regards,
Dr. Hanna Poikonen

Postdoctoral researcher

Institute of Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich

Founder of the WiseMotion Community


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