[Eeglablist] 3d electrode co-registration scanner advice

Marco Buiatti marco.buiatti at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 08:38:37 PDT 2020

Dear all,

Following https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/electrode/__;!!Mih3wA!VUgUlseppsdCBIMxrtBdbxL_2Dfsuv-cFW-7YIh0OCWw8YR2pRVgt8in1W5jwalGbfWEMg$  and
https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Get_chanlocs, I am willing to buy a 3D scanner
and an iPad for 3D electrode localization to be used on our newborn/infant
EGI EEG systems.

My questions:
- Do you confirm that the Structure Sensor Mark II from structure.io is
good for this purpose?
- Any advice on the type of iPad?
- Anyone tried this with infants?

I am convinced this will be a key breakthrough for EEG-based source
reconstruction, and I will be happy to share my experience once I start
using it.




Marco Buiatti

Neonatal Neuroimaging Unit
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences
University of Trento,
Piazza della Manifattura 1, 38068 Rovereto (TN), Italy
E-mail: marco.buiatti at unitn.it
Phone: +39 0464-808178


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