[Eeglablist] Postdoc opportunity - University of Maryland

Jamie Listokin listokin at umd.edu
Wed Apr 21 11:57:30 PDT 2021


*Child Development Lab*

*University of Maryland*

The Child Development Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College
Park, (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cdl.umd.edu__;!!Mih3wA!SM6FCBeHisJiUkqw_4gK2ykJMrFQEsxbobTg-jkZixxrw1YFmVskQ69dwzwlwsZFKUfY9w$ ) is searching for a postdoctoral fellow to
work on ongoing research related to EEG, including methods development and
the application of EEG measures to infant and child cognition and the
development of psychopathology. The position is open immediately and is for
up to two years, with the possibility of an extension depending on grant

The successful candidate will primarily be responsible for analyzing EEG
and ERP data from high density EGI systems, working on the development of
new methods for pre-processing and analysis of EEG data, writing scientific
papers and participating in the intellectual life of the lab. Other duties
will include working with research assistants and graduate and
undergraduate students.

Position qualifications include a PhD in psychology, cognitive
neuroscience, or a related field; experience with EGI high density systems
for ERP and EEG acquisition and analysis; strong experimental and
statistical skills; ability to work independently and in a team environment
on multiple tasks and projects and to share one’s expertise with and train
others. Experience with software programs (MATLAB, EEGLAB or other relevant
programs), programming tasks (E-prime, Presentation), and statistical
analysis (SPSS, R) is highly desired.

Please address questions or send a letter of research interests, a CV, and
contact information for three references to Nathan Fox (fox at umd.edu).
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is

Jamie Listokin
Laboratory Manager
Child Development Lab
University of Maryland
Office: 301.405.8315

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