[Eeglablist] Similar function equals topoplot() who generates directly rgb matrix from topographic map

Victor Gimenez victor.gimenez at ufabc.edu.br
Tue Apr 19 02:18:57 PDT 2022

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening dear EEGLab community,

Is there another function that performs the same role as the topoplot() 
function? I have realized that topoplot() despite meeting my 
expectations, when it is executed through loop(s) it may be slow and 
computational costly, I am doing:

clear all

%%%% code lines here before %%%%

count = 1;  %12561
for p2 = 1:trials_a  %785
    for p1 = 1:16

        figHandle = figure;
        topoplot(a_data(p1,:,p2),EEG.chanlocs,'style','map');  %loop
        [X, Map] = frame2im(getframe(figHandle)); %Generates rgb matrix 
from topographic map topoplot
        a_data{count} = X;

        label_a_final(:,count) = 1;

        Y = fft(a_data(p1,:,p2));
        P2 = abs(Y/L);
        P1 = P2(1:L/2+1);
        P1(2:end-1) = 2*P1(2:end-1);

        figHandle = figure;
        [X_fft, Map_fft] = frame2im(getframe(figHandle)); %Generates rgb 
matrix from topographic map topoplot
        a_data_fft_final{count} = X_fft;

        count = count + 1;

%%%% code lines here before %%%%
%%%% set(0,'DefaultFigureVisible','on');

And when I did/do this nested for loop the IDE crashed up and I was 
supposed to force the shutdown immediately, consider that a_data, 
a_data_fft_final are already preallocated before these loops. I am 
trying to think about ways to vectorize this code but I unfortunately 
can't able to think about the best manner for it.

With best wishes,


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