[Eeglablist] p-values for scalp comparison at two different latencies

Marianna La Rocca - Uniba marianna.larocca at uniba.it
Fri Jun 10 02:10:13 PDT 2022

Dear community, 

I would like to use the  function pop_erpparams() to statistically compare scalp maps of two different groups (patients and controls) at two different latencies or time ranges because the stimulus responses of the two groups are not at the same latencies.

However, I cannot understand how to set two different latencies or time ranges. Is there a way? Or there is another eeglab function which allows for this?

From both the interface and the command line, it seems that you can set only the same time range or latency for the two group.

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Marianna La Rocca, PhD
Assistant Professor in Applied Physics
Dipartimento Iterateneo di Fisica M. Merlin 
Università degli Studi di Bari A. Moro
Via Amendola 173 - 70125 Bari, Italy

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