[Eeglablist] newtimef data input

Gianluca Finotti g.finotti at unibo.it
Fri Jul 29 06:16:27 PDT 2022

Hello everyone,
I have an experiment with 8 conditions and I have calculated the grand average for each subject in each condition.
So, for instance, in condition 1 I have a data matrix which is 64x2350x37 (channels X timepoints X subjects).
For each subject, the trials in that condition are already averaged.

I want to calculate the ERSP in each condition and compare some of the conditions, so, I have tried something like this:

[ersp,itc,powbase,times,freqs,erspboot,itcboot,tfdata] = newtimef({Condition1, Condition2}, size(Condition1, 2), ...
            [grand(1).times(1) grand(1).times(end)], ...
            grand(1).srate, [3 8], 'plotphase', 'off', 'baseline', timeFreqBaseline, ...
            'freqs', [4 40], 'freqscale', 'log', ...
            'nfreqs', [37],  'vert', vertLineNewTimeEf, 'erspmax', 3, ...
            'title', {'Condition1' 'Condition2'}, 'alpha' , 0.01);

According to the documentation, the data argument must be:
Single-channel data vector (1,frames*ntrials), else
                      2-D array (frames,trials) or 3-D array (1,frames,trials).

My question is: can I consider the participants as trials or is this theoretically wrong?

Should I instead calculate the ERSP on each participant and each channel before averaging the trials?
So, I would have something like:

data = channel 1, participant 1, 40 trials
Newtimef (data....)

Then repeat for all other channels and participants?

The problem is that, if I follow this second approach, then I can't compare two conditions directly...

I hope I was clear enough.

Thank you in advance,

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