[Eeglablist] Question Welchparse function

Smit, D. d.smit at rug.nl
Thu Nov 3 08:55:59 PDT 2022


I am working with the new ROIconnect toolbox in eeglab (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/arnodelorme/roiconnect__;!!Mih3wA!C1n9l2EneLA7LAvTmlHLLJZnIhXJdy0aq0AoIp6sLoOlvCeShy5mDgqTf_pcb7xMm01QXwD4HVyez2HuyV8Z$  ) and now trying to calculate the
ROI activity where the Welch's method is used to calculate the power.
I am getting the error in the welchparse function: The length of the
segments cannot be greater than the length of the input signal.

It is not possible for me to increase the number of time points in my
epochs (188 timepoints in total, while I would need 500 timepoints for the
script to work).
Would it be possible to adapt the length of the segment?
Or is there another solution to make the script work? We thought about
merging epochs together or multiplying the data points to increase the
length of the input signal, would that be an option?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

*Diede Smit, MSc.*

PhD student

Dep. of Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
University of Groningen

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