[Eeglablist] Question Regarding Inputting Events - Presentation .log file

Lauren Cole lauren.cole at mail.utoronto.ca
Thu Apr 13 08:49:42 PDT 2023

Dear EEGLab List,

I hope this email finds you well. We are currently attempting to utilize EEGLab, and are stuck on importing event information.

We are using Presentation for stimuli, and attempt to import the event info through a .log file.

We receive the following error messages when we open the data scroll (image attached). As well, we have attempted to export the files with the event info to a BDF file, and receive the error message (image2 attached).

At your convenience, please let us know if you have suggestions for how to resolve these errors. I have attached the presentaiton file and the continuous data .mat file.

Thank you!

DIDemo_20230331 1.mat<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://utoronto-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/lauren_cole_mail_utoronto_ca/EUULpE368WBChT7akzmjX2sBK-fUgG8kDJy3SW4Hfz-maA__;!!Mih3wA!AwNVOQmH1bsWS41TUAvixSmGdxk5KVCGkWQMupqVddTppbhojiaDodgONtexqFMJNCadqNX9kFRiSY-DWbyzgbqIMK9pZxj-6w$ >


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