[Eeglablist] LIMO: Between subjects’ ANOVAs with repeated factors - Keep getting the same error "A rrays have incompatible sizes for this operation"
Marina.Pi at uv.es
Marina.Pi at uv.es
Thu Jul 6 01:54:22 PDT 2023
I've been working a bit with LIMO and I think I can help you.
>From your message, I understand that your conditions "deviant and standard stimulil" are a within-participant design. Thus, when you do the 1st-level analysis in LIMO, you must be sure that you have 3 parameters: 1. deviant; 2. standard; and 3. constant. If that is correct, then you can go to the second level.
In the second level, you put "2" for the n of groups, but then, you put "[1 2]" for the repeated factors. These "[1 2]" refers to the first two parameters of the 1st-level analysis (as we ignore the 3rd parameter at this step). This way, the program should stop telling you "the number of parameters chosen (1) does not match the total number of levels (2)".
Hope this help,
> Hello,
> I've been trying repeatedly to carry out a Between subjects’ ANOVAs with repeated factors in LIMO, but I keep getting errors and I don't seem to manage to make it work.
> I followed the LIMO tutorial on GitHub step by step, I have a situation similar to the one described: I have 2 conditions "deviant and standard types of stimuli" (similar to 3 conditions "famous, unfamiliar, scrambled faces" of the tutorial) and two groups of participants "connected and disconnected participants" (similar to 3 age-based groups of the tutorial).
> I first carried out the 1st-level analysis by selecting the design with only dev/std conditions. As in the study creation I had divided between the two groups, I got two beta files one for the first and one for the second group. When I try to run a Between subjects’ ANOVAs with repeated factors I input "2" for n of groups, and "2" for n of repeated factors, then I choose to input beta files. Here, it opens a window to select files and I select the first beta file for the Connected group but then I get this window:
> [cid:1331b6b3-212e-4200-938b-4350387b1630]
> and I am not sure what to select... 3 and 4 are the groups? I tried selecting 3 and then entering the beta file for the disconnected group and then when the window opens again I select the 4th beta parameter but then it says "the number of parameters chosen (1) does not match the total number of levels (2)".
> In the tutorial it says to 'iteratively' insert beta files for group 1 and group 2, but it does not seem to give the same window messages that I get as the window attached above.
> Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong?
> Thanks a lot in advance for your help :)
> Benedetta Cecconi
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Marina Pi Ruano
Estudiante de Doctorado / PIF Personal Investigador en Formación
ERI Lectura.
Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación.
Universidad de Valencia, España.
PhD Student.
Research Unit on Reading.
Dept. Of Developmental and Educational Psychology.
University of Valencia, Spain.
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