A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W 


readBool() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a bool field value from the stream.
readBytes() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a bytes field value from the stream.
readDouble() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a double field value from the stream.
readEnum() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an enum field value from the stream.
readFixed32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a fixed32 field value from the stream.
readFixed64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a fixed64 field value from the stream.
readFloat() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a float field value from the stream.
readFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class com.google.protobuf.ByteString
Completely reads the given stream's bytes into a ByteString, blocking if necessary until all bytes are read through to the end of the stream.
readFrom(InputStream, int) - Static method in class com.google.protobuf.ByteString
Completely reads the given stream's bytes into a ByteString, blocking if necessary until all bytes are read through to the end of the stream.
readFrom(InputStream, int, int) - Static method in class com.google.protobuf.ByteString
readGroup(int, MessageLite.Builder, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a group field value from the stream.
readGroup(int, Parser<T>, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a group field value from the stream.
readInt32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an int32 field value from the stream.
readInt64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an int64 field value from the stream.
readMessage(MessageLite.Builder, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an embedded message field value from the stream.
readMessage(Parser<T>, ExtensionRegistryLite) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an embedded message field value from the stream.
readRawByte() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read one byte from the input.
readRawBytes(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a fixed size of bytes from the input.
readRawLittleEndian32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a 32-bit little-endian integer from the stream.
readRawLittleEndian64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a 64-bit little-endian integer from the stream.
readRawVarint32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a raw Varint from the stream.
readRawVarint32(int, InputStream) - Static method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Like CodedInputStream.readRawVarint32(InputStream), but expects that the caller has already read one byte.
readRawVarint64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a raw Varint from the stream.
readSFixed32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an sfixed32 field value from the stream.
readSFixed64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an sfixed64 field value from the stream.
readSInt32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an sint32 field value from the stream.
readSInt64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read an sint64 field value from the stream.
readString() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a string field value from the stream.
readTag() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Attempt to read a field tag, returning zero if we have reached EOF.
readUInt32() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a uint32 field value from the stream.
readUInt64() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Read a uint64 field value from the stream.
readUnknownGroup(int, MessageLite.Builder) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
UnknownFieldSet.Builder now implements MessageLite.Builder, so you can just call CodedInputStream.readGroup(int, com.google.protobuf.MessageLite.Builder, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite).
registerAllExtensions(ExtensionRegistry) - Static method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos
remove(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.LazyStringArrayList
remove(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.RepeatedFieldBuilder
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
removeEnumType(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;
removeEnumType(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;
removeExtension(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;
removeExtension(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;
removeExtensionRange(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange extension_range = 5;
removeField(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
removeFile(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto file = 1;
removeLocation(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.SourceCodeInfo.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location location = 1;
removeMessageType(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
removeMethod(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.ServiceDescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto method = 2;
removeName(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.UninterpretedOption.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart name = 2;
removeNestedType(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;
removeService(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.EnumOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.EnumValueOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FieldOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.MessageOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.MethodOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeUninterpretedOption(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.ServiceOptions.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
removeValue(int) - Method in class com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.EnumDescriptorProto.Builder
repeated .google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;
RepeatedFieldBuilder<MType extends GeneratedMessage,BType extends GeneratedMessage.Builder,IType extends MessageOrBuilder> - Class in com.google.protobuf
RepeatedFieldBuilder implements a structure that a protocol message uses to hold a repeated field of other protocol messages.
RepeatedFieldBuilder(List<MType>, boolean, GeneratedMessage.BuilderParent, boolean) - Constructor for class com.google.protobuf.RepeatedFieldBuilder
Constructs a new builder with an empty list of messages.
reset() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.ByteString.Output
Resets this stream, so that all currently accumulated output in the output stream is discarded.
reset() - Method in interface com.google.protobuf.RpcController
Resets the RpcController to its initial state so that it may be reused in a new call.
resetSizeCounter() - Method in class com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream
Resets the current size counter to zero (see CodedInputStream.setSizeLimit(int)).
returnPublisherThreadToPool(MQTTPublisher) - Method in class j2se.MQTTFogServer.ThreadPool
returnPublisherThreadToPool(MQTTPublisher) - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.ThreadPool
returnSubscriberThreadToPool(MQTTSubscriber) - Method in class j2se.MQTTFogServer.ThreadPool
returnSubscriberThreadToPool(MQTTSubscriber) - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.ThreadPool
returnSubscriberThreadToPool(MQTTSubscriber) - Method in class processing.MQTTEndUser.ThreadPool
returnThreadToPool(RandomDataThread) - Method in class j2se.MQTTFogServer.ThreadPool
returnThreadToPool(RandomDataThread) - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.ThreadPool
RpcCallback<ParameterType> - Interface in com.google.protobuf
Interface for an RPC callback, normally called when an RPC completes.
RpcChannel - Interface in com.google.protobuf
Abstract interface for an RPC channel.
RpcController - Interface in com.google.protobuf
An RpcController mediates a single method call.
RpcUtil - Class in com.google.protobuf
Grab-bag of utility functions useful when dealing with RPCs.
RpcUtil.AlreadyCalledException - Exception in com.google.protobuf
Exception thrown when a one-time callback is called more than once.
RpcUtil.AlreadyCalledException() - Constructor for exception com.google.protobuf.RpcUtil.AlreadyCalledException
run(ParameterType) - Method in interface com.google.protobuf.RpcCallback
run() - Method in class j2se.MQTTFogServer.MQTTPublisher
run() - Method in class j2se.MQTTFogServer.MQTTSubscriber
Core function for this class.
run() - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.BluetoothReceiver
run() - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.MQTTPublisher
run() - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.MQTTSubscriber
run() - Method in class osx.main.ThreadMatlab
run() - Method in class osx.main.ThreadMatlabInteractor
run() - Method in class osx.util.alrorithm.asynchronousJavaMatlab.MatlabConnectorThread
run() - Method in class processing.MQTTEndUser.EEGPower
run() - Method in class processing.MQTTEndUser.MQTTSubscriber
run() - Method in class processing.MQTTEndUser.Publisher
run_() - Method in class osx.main.ThreadMatlab
run_ori() - Method in class j2se.windows.MQTTEndUser.MQTTPublisher
run_ori() - Method in class osx.main.ThreadMatlab
run_ori() - Method in class processing.MQTTEndUser.Publisher