[Eeglablist] Averaged waveform across electrodes from Netstation data

Dott. Rosario Romualdo Federico dott.federico at mac.com
Thu Jan 20 12:47:42 PST 2011

Hi everyone,
I'm a PhD student (almost done!) in Pisa (developmental neuroscience), working atm on n170. 
I'm using a GES 300 of EGI, and if I'm right I guess that with the tools provided in Netstation is still not possible to get the waveform (even if you can extract numerical data) from a chosen number of electrodes. 

My question to you is: what is the easiest  way of getting the average waveform from a ROI of any given number of adiacent electrodes?
(I basically never used eeglab, but I learn fast, and I have to be fast!:))

Thanks a lot in advance

Dott. Rosario R. Federico
MD, Child Neurologist and Psychiatrist
Ph.D. student in Basic and Developmental Neuroscience

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