[Eeglablist] Epoching data using tools >extract epochs

Modestino, Edward J *HS EJM9F at hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Fri Jan 21 07:24:36 PST 2011

Hello EEGLAB List,
I am having difficulty epoching the data based on events imported from a text file (listed below).  Does anyone have experience importing events using a text file and then epoching the data based on that info? If so, please contact me to help me figure out what I am doing incorrectly.

Event file info:

Latency           Type                Duration
72                    X                   10
153.5               X                   4.5
212                  X                   10
272                  X                    8
332                  X                    6
392                  X                    6
452                  X                    6
512                  X                    6
572                  X                    8
631.5               X                    8.5
690                  X                    10
750                  X                    14
810                  X                    10
872                  X                    4
932                  X                    8
992                  X                    6
1048                X                    10
1110                X                    8
1170                X                   14

Edward Justin Modestino, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Laboratory
Division of Perceptual Studies
Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences
University of Virginia
Email: ejm9f at virginia.edu

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