[Eeglablist] Subtracting conditions and statistics

Veronique Boulenger Veronique.Boulenger at ish-lyon.cnrs.fr
Fri Mar 25 10:16:22 PDT 2011

  Dear EEGLab users,

I am new to EEGlab so I apologize in advance if answers to my questions 
are obvious. I ran an MMN experiment and would like to subtract 2 
conditions to compute a difference waveform (i.e. the MMN). I managed to 
plot the MMN using Sum/Compare ERPs from the Plot menu but I don't know 
how to save it as a "new condition" (to do some stats afterwards). Can 
anyone help?

Also, I would like to do an ANOVA to compare MMN latency and amplitude 
between 2 types of contrasts and 2 groups of subjects (2x2 design). For 
this, I'd like to extract numerical values for peak latency and peak 
amplitude in a given time-window. Does anyone know how to do it with EEGlab?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Veronique Boulenger

Véronique Boulenger, PhD
Chargée de Recherches CNRS
Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage – UMR 5596
Institut des Sciences de l’Homme
14 avenue Berthelot
F69363 Lyon Cedex 07

veronique.boulenger at ish-lyon.cnrs.fr

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