[Eeglablist] EEG fMRI analysis

Thai Vinh Nguyen thaivinhnguyen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 16:45:22 PDT 2011

Dear all,

I am trying to combine single trial EEG with fMRI analysis using the integration by prediction approach. I'm just wondering how to build the design matrix using the EEG information. Suppose my experiment has two stimuli (A and B), so I will have a vector of EEG amplitudes for stimulus type A and another vector for B in each session. Which of the following design is correct to integrate EEG amplitudes with the fMRI analysis?

1. The design matrix has two predictors, one for each stimulus. The predictor is the convolution of the single trial amplitudes with the hrf function. Suppose I don't use hrf with time derivatives.

2. The design matrix has four predictors. The first predictor is the convolution of the stimulus type A onset with the hrf function (conventional fMRI analysis). The second predictor is the convolution of the EEG amplitude from stimulus A with the hrf function. The 3rd and 4th predictors are similar to the first two predictors, except they are for stimulus type B. 

Kind regards,

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