[Eeglablist] Call for Participation

Juel juel64 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 23:37:22 PDT 2011

2011 International UKIERI Workshop on Fusion of Brain-Computer Interface and Assistive Robotics, (7-8 July 2011, University of Ulster, Derry, UK)
Call for Participation
We invite researchers from both brain-computer interface (BCI) and assistive robotics (AR) areas to 2011 Int.  UKIERI Workshop on Fusion of Brain-Computer Interface and Assistive Robotics (BCI-AR 20111) to be held on 7-8 July 2011 at Intelligent Systems Research Centre, University of Ulster, Derry, N. Ireland. 
The BCI-AR  workshop aims to bring together world-leading experts in both BCI and AR fields at one platform to discuss cutting edge developments and brainstorm ideas to provide new directions for an effective fusion of BCI and AR systems.  It will feature invited talks from  leading domain experts who will present and discuss their problems, as well as pose new research challenges that will be addressed by a panel of  researchers and practitioners.  Additionally, researchers will have the opportunity to present ongoing work in these areas in a poster session. We believe that this workshop will serve as a bridge between the traditional BCI and AR research communities and domain experts helping to facilitate a synergetic fusion of both the areas. This workshop is part of the UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) project Innovations in Intelligent Assistive Robotics.
We invite extended abstract submissions for poster presentations at the workshop. The extended abstract should be prepared using the template attached here and submitted as an email attachment to ukieri2011 at ulster.ac.uk JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING on or before May 15, 2011. Acceptance notification will be sent to the authors by June 10, 2011. A few interesting abstracts may also be selected for oral presentation. Submissions are welcome in both BCI and AR areas focusing on, but not limited to, following topics: 

Hybrid and multi-modal BCIs 
Self-adapting BCIs 
Monitoring of mental states 
Optimizing the adaptive interactions between BCIs systems and their users 
Using BCIs to control neuroprostheses and assistive robotic systems 
BCIs users and their needs 
Optimizing the adaptive interactions between BCI systems and their users 
Robotic wheelchairs 
Assistive robotics for neuro-rehabilitation 
Rehabilitation robotics for elderly care 
Social robotics in health care 
Natural human robot interaction 
Cooperative and networked control in multi-robot systems 
Evaluation and clinical experience 
Please see the BCI-AR 2011 website (http://isrc.ulster.ac.uk/ukieri2011/about-us.html) for information on how to register for the workshop. For questions or comments, please send an e-mail to ukieri2011 at ulster.ac.uk.
Dr. Girijesh Prasad       
Program Chair
2011 Int.  UKIERI Workshop on Fusion of Brain-Computer Interface and Assistive Robotics (BCI-AR 2011)
Intelligent Systems Research Centre, School of Computing and Intelligent Systems
Faculty of Computing & Engineering, University of Ulster, Magee Campus
Londonderry BT48 7JL, N. Ireland, United Kingdom
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