[Eeglablist] Events marks disapearing in EDF format.

Felipe Beijamini beijamini at gmail.com
Mon May 30 14:09:39 PDT 2011

Hello Everyone.
I have some EEG data recorded by the polysomnography "Alice 5 - Respironics"
which permit export the data to edf format. I want to work with this data
using the EEGLAB to perform some spectral analysis. However when I do import
the .edf files to EEGLAB I can´t find the event markers that a need to do my
Do you know If is any way to import the data with the event markers?
I´m new with EEGLAB, I hope you´ll understant my very basic question.
Thank you.

Felipe Beijamini

Laboratório de Cronobiologia Humana
Departamento de Fisiologia
Setor de Ciências Biológicas
Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
Curitiba - PR - Brasil
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