[Eeglablist] Weights matrix complex-valued after runica and NaN after binica.

Paul Kieffaber pdkieffaber at wm.edu
Tue Sep 6 11:18:39 PDT 2011

I'm having a very strange issue running runica/binica from the command
line in 64-bit Matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a) under Ubuntu linux.  The data
are 65 channels by  700 samples by 500 trials.  Runica.m (from command
line or EEGlab menus) is returning a complex-valued "weights" matrix
and Binica.m (run from command line) is returning "weights" and
"sphere" matrices full of NaNs.  I've run ICA on this computer before
with no trouble.  This is happening with an entire sample of 30
participants.  There doesn't seem to be anything unusual with the
data.  Now the really bizarre thing... for some of the participant's
data, runica/binica each run successfully if I use only a subset of
the trials.  In some cases they will only run (and return real
numbers) with just one trial, but other subjects will run with up to
50 trials.  I haven't ever seen anything like this and am now
completely baffled.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Paul Kieffaber, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology &
Program in Neuroscience
The College of William & Mary
(757) 221-1965
pdkieffaber at wm.edu

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