[Eeglablist] How to do: FASTERalgorithm for spontaneous EEG (NO ERPs) and Mean Power Density in the theta range (4-8Hz)

uwe.pfaffATuam at gmx.de uwe.pfaffATuam at gmx.de
Mon Sep 5 09:42:04 PDT 2011


I am quite new in EEGlab, but I want to use it for one of my PhD studies, so I have the following questions:

1) Is it possible to use the algorithm FASTER for 25min spontaneous EEG data (with EOG coregistered) without having ERP epochs and no need of Grand Averages, to remove EOG/EMG artifacts automatically from the recordings? How is this done?

2) In EEGlab, H O W do I calculate later on the Mean Power Density in the theta range (4-8Hz) for a 63Channel 20minutes recording, parting it into 10x2minutes epochs, later on I want to substract from these values the baseline and compare them with another condiction?

For any help I would be very thankful.

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