[Eeglablist] Extended deadline for 'Interaction of BCI with the underlying neurological conditions in patients: pros and cons'

Aleksandra Vuckovic Aleksandra.Vuckovic at glasgow.ac.uk
Mon Nov 18 09:01:15 PST 2013

The deadline for the special issue of Frontiers in Neuroengineering 'Interaction of BCI with the underlying neurological conditions in patients: pros and cons', topic editors Topic Editors: Aleksandra Vuckovic<http://www.frontiersin.org/Community/WhosWhoActivity.aspx?sname=AleksandraVuckovic&UID=77206>, Jaime A. Pineda<http://www.frontiersin.org/Community/WhosWhoActivity.aspx?sname=JaimePineda&UID=84245>, Kristen LaMarca<http://www.frontiersin.org/Community/WhosWhoActivity.aspx?sname=KristenLaMarca&UID=105252> Disha Gupta<http://www.frontiersin.org/Community/WhosWhoActivity.aspx?sname=DishaGupta&UID=105182>, Christoph Guger<http://www.frontiersin.org/Community/WhosWhoActivity.aspx?sname=ChristophGuger&UID=1735>, has been extended until 15th December


In this Research Topic we welcome studies of the highest scientific quality highlighting how BCI systems based on different principles (SSVEP, P300, slow cortical potential, auditory potential, operant conditioning, etc) interact with the underlying neurological problems and how performance of these BCI system differ compared to similar systems tested on healthy individuals. We also welcome studies defining signatures of neurological disorders and proposing BCI based treatments.

We expect to generate a body of knowledge valuable both to researchers working with clinical populations, but also to a vast majority of BCI researchers testing new algorithms on able-bodied people. This should lead towards more robust or tailor-made BCI protocols, facilitating translation of research from laboratories to the end users.

We are looking for the original work, data supported findings, as well as comprehensive review articles that map out what is and is not possible in this filed in the near and far future.

On behalf of topic editors

Aleksandra Vuckovic

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