[Eeglablist] Using a basline from different dataset
ET Muluh
etmuluh at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 22:42:46 PST 2013
Dear Aleksandra,
I am not sure your problem has been solved. Bellow is a code at the Matlab
command that uses a different data set for baseline.
Kind regards,
EEG = pop_readegi(Baseline data, [],[],'auto'); % Load your baseline data
[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 0,'setname','Baseline',
EEG = pop_epoch( EEG, { 'Baseline Condition' }, [-0.5 0],
'newname', 'Baseline epoch', 'epochinfo', 'yes'); % Extract the required
epoch length for baseline, 500 ms in this case - you can change to what
suites you
[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 1,'overwrite','on','gui',
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
%Get the mean of each channel from the baseline data set above
EEG.data = mean(EEG.data,2); % This give a vector of number of channels x 1
sample point - which is the mean for the channel
EEG.pnts = 1; % Reset the number of sample points to 1 so as to maintain
consistency of data structure in EEGLAB
EEG.times = EEG.times(1); % Reset the times to 1 so as to maintain
consistency of data structure in EEGLAB
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
eeglab redraw
% Load and epoch your data
EEG = pop_readegi('Data, [],[],'auto'); %Load your main data
EEG = pop_epoch( EEG, { }, [0 1], 'newname', 'EGI file epochs',
'epochinfo', 'yes'); % epoch your main data
[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET] = pop_newset(ALLEEG, EEG, 2,'gui','off');
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );
% Baseline correct your data – ALLEEG(1) is your baseline data set and
ALLEEG(2) your epoched main data set
for i = 1:size(ALLEEG(2).data,3) % number of epochs
for j = 1:size(ALLEEG(2).data,2) % number of samples in each epoch
ALLEEG(2).data(:,j,i) = ALLEEG(2).data(:,j,i)- ALLEEG(1).data;
EEG = eeg_checkset( EEG );% this is THE BASELINE CORRECTED DATA
eeglab redraw
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 12:51 AM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>wrote:
> Dear Aleksandra,
> It's unfortunate but I have to say that volunteers didn’t really relax and
> you plot their data as if they were 'relaxed' is not correct. In other
> words analysis does not help design deficit.
> Try to find another way to view the data. There could be other
> possibilities! Did you try common baseline option by the way (see recent
> post about it; Arno gave it a detailed explanation).
> Makoto
> 2013/11/15 Stephen Politzer-Ahles <politzerahless at gmail.com>
>> Hi Aleksandra,
>> I don't think there are any built-in functions for EEGLAB for this, but
>> it should be easy to do with some MATLAB scripting. But you would need to
>> provide more information about specifically what you need done (i.e., how
>> are the trials in your experiment organized, are you wanting for each trial
>> of condition A to be baseline-corrected to the previous trial of condition
>> B, or baseline-correct the average of one condition to the average of
>> another, or what?). I am not sure if this is common practice, though.
>> Best,
>> Steve
>> Stephen Politzer-Ahles
>> New York University, Abu Dhabi
>> Neuroscience of Language Lab
>> http://www.nyu.edu/projects/politzer-ahles/
>> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Aleksandra Vuckovic <
>> Aleksandra.Vuckovic at glasgow.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> HI
>>> We are analysing two conditions recorded during the same session on the
>>> same group of volunteers, and would like to calculate ERSP for each
>>> condition. It seems however that volunteers didn’t really relax in between
>>> trials in one of the experimental condition (many of them continued with
>>> the experimental task) so we’d like to use the baseline of one condition
>>> on both conditions. Can anyone advise is how to do it?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Aleksandra
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> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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