[Eeglablist] using pop_eegplot and eeg_eegrej in a script

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Thu Jun 9 20:36:23 PDT 2011

Dear Sebastian,

you should call eegplot instead of pop_eegplot

eegplot(EEG.data, 'srate', EEG.srate, 'events', EEG.event);

and then you can add the additional options you pointed to.
The data marked for rejection is not stored in the EEG structure. It is in the TMPREJ variable upon closing the eegplot function. I recommend that you use the optional input 'command' of eegplot to process it. The TMPREJ structure can be processed using the eegplot2event function. You may look at eeg_rejmacro for examples.

Hope this helps,


On Jun 4, 2011, at 8:31 AM, Sebastian Urchs wrote:

> Hi,
> I am setting up a pipeline for multi-subject data preprocessing including ICA on a cluster. Now in order to clean up the data before running ICA I would like to use pop_eegplot() from inside a script that loops through all my subjects. I will then halt the script until the pop_eegplot() window is closed again and run eeg_eegrej() on the marked data-parts.
> Now my questions are:
> : First, sliding through a large dataset in pop_eegplot() is not effective at the default displayed timerange. Of course this can be changed manually each time by pointing and clicking but it would be great if I could hand over arguments to pop_eegplot() when it is called that make the displayed time range say 50s. I have not managed to change
> “eegplotoptions = { 'winlength', 5, 'events', EEG.event };”
> arguments from the pop_eegplot.m file itself – could it be that those settings are hardwired into the file?
> : Second, I am wondering where the arrays with the data marked for rejection are stored within the EEG structure. I would then use this information to call pop_eegrej() in the script which would make the whole rejection process much faster.
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Sebastian,
> LMU Munich
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