[Eeglablist] 3D scalp maps in STUDY?

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Sat Jan 12 22:49:07 PST 2013

Dear Aleksandra,

this is currently not possible from the GUI. As always it is possible from the command line though.

% merge all channel location structures for the STUDY
mergelocs = eeg_mergelocs(ALLEEG.chanlocs);

% parameters for headplot. IMPORTANT NOTE: the transformation matrix depends on your montage.
% to find the correct transformation matrix, plot the 3-D head on one of the subject and look at the transformation matrix
headplotparams = { 'meshfile', 'mheadnew.mat', 'transform', [-1.1546 -7.0388 -31.3728 -0.034649 0.020976 -1.5343 96.2507 92.8068 117.9186] };

% set up the spline file
headplot('setup', mergelocs, 'STUDY_headplot.spl', headplotparams{:});
% get ERSP results (scalp maps) - for example scalp topography of spectrum in the alpha band
[STUDY spec ] = std_specplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels', { mergelocs.labels }, 'topofreq', [8 12]);

% average subject and plot using headplot
scalp_spec = mean(spec{1},3);
figure; headplot(scalp_spec, 'STUDY_headplot.spl', headplotparams{:}, 'maplimits', 'maxmin');

Why aren't we putting it in the GUI? Beside resources (it is one thing to write code quickly in an email and another to write a GUI), this version of headplot is becoming obsolete (although there has been improvements over the years, it is about 15 years old now). Alejandro Ojeda in our lab has developed a better version (nicer graphics) that we hope to integrate in EEGLAB one day.


ps: Unfortunately, you cannot plot ICA cluster topographies using this method.

On 5 Jan 2013, at 04:59, Aleksandra Vuckovic wrote:

> Hi,
> can somebody help me how to produce 3D scalp maps in STUDY, as one we can make for a single subject?
> Many thanks,
> Aleksandra
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