Analyzing EEG data in EEGLAB: The Wakeman-Henson dataset

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Analyzing EEG data with EEGLAB: The Wakeman-Henson dataset

EEGLAB ( is a rich, easily extensible, and growing open-source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signal processing running on MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick MA). The EEGLAB architecture makes it suited to data exploration and visualization as well as to applying customized analysis including general linear model statistics. EEGLAB evolved from a set of Matlab functions for decomposing electroencephalographic (EEG) data using independent component analysis (ICA) and performing time/frequency analysis, focusing on the dynamics of effective source processes revealed by ICA decomposition, both in event-related averages and across sorted collections of single trials. EEGLAB ( features a root EEG data structure and a main graphic user interface (GUI) menu calling pop_ functions that first prompt users to enter necessary arguments, then call relevant signal processing and plotting functions. User interface command history allows users to easily replicate or enrich a series of actions they performed first using the EEGLAB menu, thereby easing the process of learning to code standard or custom analysis pipelines. Calling links to EEGLAB plug-in extensions downloaded from the EEGLAB Extension Manager appear in the user’s menu. More than 75 extensions from many laboratories offer tools to apply a wide and growing range of signal processing approaches. Here we demonstrate results of some basic EEGLAB methods focusing on ICA decompositions of EEG data made available by Wakeman & Henson ( and study the dynamics of the resulting effective brain sources following face image presentations and ensuing motor responses.

The Wakeman-Henson dataset

Human perception of suddenly presented face images produces a large negative peak near 170 ms (dubbed ‘the N170’) in averaged event-related potentials (ERPs) for posterior scalp channels Bentin et al., 1996. This potential has been localized by several methods, including direct electrocorticographic (ECoG) recording from the cortical surface, to the bilateral fusiform gyrus. Henson and Wakeman (2015) apply joint EEG/MEG source analysis to the N170 peak scalp maps to estimate the areas of inferior temporal cortex that produce the response feature. A BOLD signal increase in the same areas is seen in fMRI studies (Kanwisher et al., 1997). A long train of functional imaging and EEG experiments have considered the question of whether activation of fusiform gyrus by face image presentations indexes face-specific processing (Kanwisher & Yovel, 2006) or processing supporting more general expert identification of individuals or subcategories for any large set of important and long-studied objects -- for example, automobile grilles by automobile experts (Gauthier et al., 1999). Generally, face presentations produce much larger ‘N170’ potentials (and ensuing fusiform BOLD activations) than do presentations of ‘face-like’ images of houses, etc. Wakeman and Henson (2015) developed the paradigm used to collect the data treated here to determine how repetition (of the same face image) in a series of tachistoscopically presented ‘face versus house’ images experiment affected EEG and concurrent MEG responses, and how responses to well-known, unknown, and scrambled faces in the same sequence differed. See details of the paradigm in the figure below.

Wakeman henson eegset.jpg

Data processing

Raw data importation

The data was first imported using FileIO plugin for EEGLAB. Then, EEG and event channel (STI101) were selected. Location of the fiducials were added to the channel location and the montage was rotated to match EEGLAB format. Events from the STI101 event channel were imported events. Then we imported the information about the image presented into the event structure as well as button presses. Numerical events were renamed to more meaningful text labels. We then corrected event latencies which were shitted by 34 ms. Finally, we merged the 6 session file for each subject and saved the preprocessed data. This the code for this processing can be accessed at (

Downsample the data

The sampling rate of the recording was 1100 Hz per channel. Because local field potential signals from cortex have a near-1/f power spectral density, most EEG data variance is contained in lower frequencies. To reduce data size and processing time, we chose to reduce the data sampling rate to 500 Hz per channel. This process applied an anti-aliasing filter below the Nyquist frequency (250 Hz) using a cutoff frequency 500/2 x 0.9 = 225 Hz (-6dB) with transition bandwidth 500/2 x 0.2 = 50 Hz (Kaiser window, scalar maximum passband deviation 0.002). As a result, the spectrum of the recorded signals could be analyzed to near 250 Hz. EEGLAB sample code:

EEG = pop_resample(EEG, 500);

High-pass filter the data

To remove DC and infra-low frequency drifts, and to center the time-series data around zero, a high-pass filter with (-6 dB) cutoff frequency 1 Hz was applied (FIR, Hamming windowed; transition bandwidth, 1 Hz; filter order, 1650). Another important purpose of this high-pass filter is to improve ICA results, as our experience and a recent report have shown that removing near-DC portions of the EEG data improves ICA performance Winkler et al., 2015. In particular, the number of ICs with brain-localizable component scalp maps (e.g., strongly resembling the ‘dipolar’ projection of potential coherent across a single, locally coherent cortical patch) is larger when low frequencies are omitted from the data to be decomposed. We believe this to be in part because large, low-frequency drifts can arise from scalp temperature shifts, etc. that are not spatially stationary, in contrast to the ICA source model.

EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 1,   0,   1650, 0, [], 0);  % High pass at 1Hz

Remove line noise

We first used the EEGLAB plug-in CleanLine to adaptively estimate and remove line-frequency artifacts using frequency-domain (multi-taper) regression. However, in these data the amplitude of the line artifact (at 50 Hz and its harmonics) proved to be so large (approaching 40 dB) that went on to apply notch filters at the line frequency and its harmonics (e.g., centered at 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz, and 200 Hz) to make visible the brain source phenomena of interest.

EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 49,  51,  1650, 1, [], 0);  % Line noise suppression ~50Hz
EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 99,  101, 1650, 1, [], 0);  % Line noise suppression ~100Hz
EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 149, 151, 1650, 1, [], 0);  % Line noise suppression ~150Hz
EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 199, 201, 1650, 1, [], 0);  % Line noise suppression ~200Hz

Detect and reject bad channels

Here, we first performed outlier channel detection and, rejection, and interpolation using the clean_rawdata plug-in of Christian Kothe. This plug-in calculates each scalp channel signal’s correlation to its random sample consensus (RANSAC) estimate computed from nearby scalp channel signals in successive 5-s segments. Channel signals exhibiting low correlation to signals in neighboring scalp channels in individual windows (here, r < 0.8 at more than 40% of the data points) were rejected.

EEG = clean_rawdata(EEG, -1, -1, 0.80, -1, -1, -1);

Re-reference the scalp-channel data to average reference

We performed common average reference (CAR). We first interpolated all the rejected channels in the dataset. These channels were obtained by comparing the current channels on the current EEG structure with the backup of the original channels in the same structure (EEG.urchanlocs). Then, CAR was performed and the interpolated channels were removed. This processing was all performed with the function pop_reref.m.

EEG = pop_reref(EEG,[],'interpchan',[]);

Extract data epochs

For experimental events of interest in three categories, i.e., presentations of Famous (famous_new, famous_second_early, famous_second_late), Unfamiliar (unfamiliar_new, unfamiliar_second_early, unfamiliar_second_late), and Scrambled (scrambled_new, scrambled_second_early, scrambled_second_late) faces, respectively, data epochs extending from -1 s to 2 s relative to these event markers were extracted from the data and stored.

 EEG = pop_epoch( EEG, {'famous_new' 'famous_second_early' 'famous_second_late' ...
                        'scrambled_new' 'scrambled_second_early' 'scrambled_second_late'...
                        'unfamiliar_new' 'unfamiliar_second_early' 'unfamiliar_second_late'},...
                        [-1  2], 'newname', 'Epoched', 'epochinfo', 'yes');;

Rejecting noisy epochs

We then performed two-stage rejection of noisy event-related data epochs. In the first stage, we rejected epochs in which any channel value exceeded a two-sided rejection amplitude threshold (±400 uV). Then a joint probability test (shown to be more effective than the simple thresholding) was performed using ±4-SD single-channel and ±3-SD global-channel thresholds (Delorme et al., 2007). Data epochs containing channel data exceeding either threshold were rejected.

[EEG, rejindx] = pop_eegthresh(EEG, 1, 1:EEG.nbchan, -400, 400, EEG.xmin, EEG.xmax, 0, 1);
EEG = pop_jointprob(EEG, 1, 1:EEG.nbchan, 4, 3, 1, 1);

Perform ICA decomposition

Next we performed ICA decomposition using adaptive mixture ICA (AMICA) (Palmer et al., 2007) of the retained data. During the first 5 training iterations, optional further data point rejection (based on data (un)likelihood under the evolving AMICA model) was performed using a rejection threshold of ±3 SD. This rejected approximately 10% of the data points, focusing the ICA unmixing on defining maximally independent processes in the clean data. Here we chose to use AMICA ( for the decomposition as we found AMICA to produce the most temporally independent and more physiologically plausible components than any of 21 other ICA and ICA-like linear data separation approaches (Delorme et al., 2012). In that study, the second most effective ICA approach was Infomax and Extended Infomax (Bell & Sejnowksi, 1995; Lee et al., 1997), the default ICA decomposition approach (runica) for which very fast GPU-enabled versions, beamica (Christian Kothe) and cudaica (Raimondo et al,. 2012), respectively, are also available as EEGLAB plug-ins.

EEG = pop_runamica(EEG,'numprocs',4, 'do_reject', 1, 'numrej', 5, 'rejint', 4,'rejsig', 3,'rejstart', 1, 'pcakeep',EEG.nbchan-1); % Computing ICA with AMICA

Alternatively, the default ICA decomposition approach (runica) can be used as follows:

EEG = pop_runica(EEG, 'pca', EEG.nbchan-1); % Computing ICA with Infomax

Select independent components

We selected a subset of the ICs for further processing and analysis as not all of them accounted for brain activity relevant to the focus of our analysis. IC selection was performed based on characteristic features of “brain components” including a dipolar scalp topography and existence of one or more peaks in the power spectrum between 5 Hz and 30 Hz.

Fit equivalent current dipole models

After co-registering all channel locations to the MNI head model, equivalent current dipoles were fit to localize source locations using the dipfit extension implemented in EEGLAB. A single dipole was fit first using a Boundary Element Model (BEM) template head model (MNI). IC candidates for subsequent fitting dual-symmetric equivalent dipoles were selected by visual inspection of the IC scalp topographies. The dual-symmetric equivalent dipole model constrained the positions (but not the orientations) of the two-dipole model to be bilaterally symmetric, to account for ICs whose scalp topography learned from the data clearly reflects separable dipolar projections to the two hemispheres. Dual-symmetric ICs might arise to account for synchronous activity that is resonant in two coupled cortical source patches densely and bidirectionally connected by the corpus callosum. For candidate ICs in which the dual-symmetric equivalent dipole model collapsed to a single medial equivalent dipole, the unconstrained single equivalent dipole model was used in further analyses.

dipfitpath = fileparts(which('pop_multifit'));
electemplatepath = fullfile(dipfitpath,'standard_BEM/elec/standard_1005.elc');
[~,coord_transform] = coregister(EEG.chaninfo.nodatchans, electemplatepath, 'warp', 'auto', 'manual', 'off');
EEG = pop_dipfit_settings( EEG, 'hdmfile', fullfile(dipfitpath,'standard_BEM/standard_vol.mat'),...
                                'coordformat', 'MNI', 'chanfile', electemplatepath,'coord_transform', coord_transform,...
                                'mrifile', fullfile(dipfitpath,'standard_BEM/standard_mri.mat'));                           
EEG = pop_multifit(EEG, 1:EEG.nbchan,'threshold', 100, 'dipplot','off','plotopt',{'normlen' 'on'});

The following sample code referer to computing dual dipoles. For this, the indices of the components fitting dual-symmetric equivalent dipoles were selected by visual inspection and stored in the variable matchic.

EEG = pop_multifit(EEG, matchic, 'threshold', 100, 'dipoles', 2, 'plotopt', {'normlen' 'on'});

After this, the data can be saved by using the EEGLAB function pop_saveset.m.

EEGLAB sample code (e.g., for subject 11):

EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename', subj11_proc.set', 'filepath', path2save); % path2save is variable with the path to save the data

Single subject analysis

To illustrate the process of exploring event-related brain dynamics in data from hitherto unexplored paradigms, we begin by visualizing source-resolved EEG dynamics in data from one participant (S11) whose decomposition produced unusually many well localizable brain source IC processes. The scripts for the generation of the visualization showed here can be accessed at, specifically the script s11_figures_masterscrip.m.

Visualizing IC brain sources

The figure below shows the scalp maps for the 35 IC processes that contributed most variance to the scalp EEG data of participant S11, plus the residual variance of their scalp maps not explained by the indicated cortical source model involving either a single equivalent dipole or two equivalent dipoles constrained to have bilaterally symmetric positions (though not orientations) (e.g., ICs 6, 7, 8, 10, 24, 31). By their scalp maps and properties, we can recognize IC1 as accounting for potential fluctuations arising from eye blinks, 15 ICs (3, 9, 12-15, 20-22, 25, 28, 29 32, 34, 35) accounting for EMG activities of distinct scalp muscles, and at least 17 ICs ( 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17-19, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34) highly compatible with a cortical brain source consisting of one or of two (bilateral) cortical patches, respectively (range of residual IC scalp map variances unaccounted for by the indicated equivalent dipole models, 0.9% - 4.6%).

Subject 11 ALL Figures Figure 1.jpg

pop_topoplot(EEG,0, [1:35] ,' ',[5 7] ,1,'electrodes','on', 'style','both','dipnormmax','on');1);

IC time courses on eegplot

The figure below shows the activation time courses of ICs 1-31 in two consecutive event-related trial epochs time locked to successive face stimulus presentations (each trace normed to equal variance). (EEGLAB function, eegplot())

Subject 11 ALL Figures Figure 2.jpg
 EEG.icaact = eeg_getdatact(EEG);
eegplot(reshape(EEG.icaact(opt.icoi(1:31),:,:),[length(opt.icoi(1:31)) size(,2) size(,3)]),...
                'srate', EEG.srate,...

Envtopo plots

Envelope (envtopo) plot superimposing the envelopes (colored trace pairs) of the portions of the (all scalp channels) ERP accounted for by the six IC processes contributing most strongly to the trial-averaged ERP to Familiar Face presentation for participant S11. The black trace pair again shows the envelope of the cleaned scalp-channel ERP. The colored trace pairs show the envelopes of the component projections. The gray shaded area in the figure in the bottom is bounded by the envelope of the summed projections of all 6 ICs. Note the dominance of IC6 and IC10 in accounting for the ‘N170’ negative-going activation (near 0.18 s) and the dominance of IC8 and IC19 for the positive-going activation (near 130ms).

Subject 11 ALL Figures Figure 4.jpg

Plotting dipoles in head model

EEGLAB equivalent-dipole position browser showing symmetrical dual-dipole models for right-dominant effective source IC6 and left-dominant effective source IC10. The dominant source dipole for IC6 (green, right) is in right fusiform gyrus as indicated by an online Talairach atlas given the Talairach XYZ coordinates. The dominant source equivalent dipole for (red, left) IC10 is a few mm above left fusiform gyrus (Talairach coordinates not shown). The residual variance (RV) in the IC5 scalp map not accounted for by the projection of the dual-symmetric equivalent dipole model is only 1.6% across all scalp channels. (EEGLAB functions, dipfit() and dipplot()). Because of individual differences in head shape, cortical surface physiognomy, and skull conductivity, we cannot expect mm-scale accuracy in dipole localization to a Talairach atlas.

Subject 11 ALL Figures Figure 5.jpg

ERP Image plots

To explore the consistency of the N170 ERP feature, we plotted several ERP-images of the trial-by-trial IC6 activation differences for epochs time-locked to familiar face presentations. The ERP-image plot in the figure below shows the trials sorted by time-on-task (i.e., in their original recording order, here plotted bottom to top). The N170 phenomenon dominates the ERP of this IC process and does not exhibit any clear change in amplitude or peak latency over time on task (i.e., from first to last trials), although at about trial 50 the duration of the negativity does appear to increase. For clearer visualization of trends, the ERP-images in the figure are smoothed vertically by averaging across a 10-trial moving window. Three lower traces in the panel A show (topmost) the mean ERP time course, (middle) latency-varying mean power at the strongest alpha-band peak in the power spectrum of activity in these trials (near 9.3 Hz, see spectrum in upper inset), and (bottommost) latency-varying intertrial phase coherence (ITC) at the same frequency. Blue shaded areas indicate preliminary significance boundaries (here p<0.01, estimated non-parametrically without correction for multiple comparisons). Note (middle trace) the decline in mean alpha power following the N170 feature, and the strong ITC value (maximum ITC is 1) during the N170 latency interval, reflecting a very consistent tendency for a negative-going activation to appear in this latency range. In the panel B top, the same trial epochs are sorted by their mean activation value in the [146 260] msec latency window. This plot shows there was actually some large trial-to-trial variability in the amplitude of the N170 evoked response feature across single trials. Note that the single-trial activation data in both panels are always the same, merely presented (and somewhat smoothed) in differing trial orders according to various sorting variables. Panel B middle shows the same trial data effectively sorted by the latency of the N170 peak (here estimated using the local phase of the single-trial data at the dominant alpha frequency). Though this was not apparent in the earlier ERP-image plots (and certainly not in the ERP itself), the peak latency of the N170 response by this source process varied across trials. In the mean ERP (upper trace below the ERP-image), the N170 is widened by averaging across trials in which the response has widely varying response latencies. In panel B bottom, the same trials are time-aligned to the most negative-valued latency in the (wider) N170 latency range. The trial order is the same as in panel B bottom. Note that ERP now exhibits the true mean width of the N170 deflection. (Note: This plot could not be produced from the pop_erpimage() gui, but required a command line call to enter the separately computed N170 peak latencies as the trial-sorting value).

Subject 11 ALL Figures Figure 6.jpg

Multiple subjects analysis: STUDY

In this section, we explain the group level analysis performed and shown some results obtained. The script for processing performed here can be accessed at

Creating the STUDY

The datasets of the 18 subject preprocessed were loaded into EEGLAB and a STUDY was created. In the example here we used a programmatic way to generate the STUDY from the command line of MATLAB. For this (see code below), we first generate a set of commands to be passed to EEGLAB which will basically tell EEGLAB: Load the set in fullfile(path2data,datInfo(i).name, [datInfo(i).name '_proc.set']), assign to it a number (counter), a short name (['subj00' num2str(i)]), a group and session (here the same for all subjects) as well as define that only dipoles located inside the brain and with residual variance lower than 0.15 must be selected for further processing.

commands = {}; counter = 1;
for i = 2:length(datInfo)
    commands{counter}   = {'index' counter...
                           'load' fullfile(path2data,datInfo(i).name, [datInfo(i).name '_proc.set'])...
                           'subject' ['subj00' num2str(i)]...
                           'group' '1'...
                           'session' 1 ...
                           'inbrain' 'on'...
                           'dipselect' 0.15};
    counter = counter + 1;

In the sample code above, a structure (datInfo) was previously created for the easy handling of the examples as well to ensure reproducibility in the teaching process. This structure contains the following fields

datInfo = 
  1×19 struct array with fields:

After generating the commands we can proceed to create the STUDY. For this, the sample code below can be used. Here, the STUDY is first generated by using the function std_editset. Then the consistency of the STUDY can be check with the function std_checkset before being saved with pop_savestudy.

% Creating the STUDY
[STUDY ALLEEG] = std_editset([], [], 'name','henson_study',...
                                             'rmclust','on' );
[STUDY ALLEEG] = std_checkset(STUDY, ALLEEG); % Checking all is fine in the STUDY
% Saving the STUDY
[STUDY EEG] = pop_savestudy( STUDY, EEG, 'filename',[studyname '.study'],...

Create a statistical design

Here the statistical design is implemented. In this case, the three type of presentations for each type of stimulus were concatenated, so we can deal with the marginalized version of the stimulus: Familiar(famous), unfamiliar and scrambled faces.

STUDY       = std_makedesign(STUDY, ALLEEG, 1, 'name',' 1',...
                                               'values1',{{'famous_new' 'famous_second_early' 'famous_second_late'}...
                                                          {'scrambled_new' 'scrambled_second_early' 'scrambled_second_late'}...
                                                          {'unfamiliar_new' 'unfamiliar_second_early' 'unfamiliar_second_late'}},...
                                               'subjselect',{'subj0010' 'subj0011' 'subj0012' 'subj0013' 'subj0014' 'subj0015'...
                                                             'subj0016' 'subj0017' 'subj0018' 'subj0019' 'subj002' 'subj003'...
                                                             'subj004' 'subj005' 'subj006' 'subj007' 'subj008' 'subj009'}...

Generating measures

Before plotting the component measures, you must precompute them. In the example presented here we did so by using the function std_precomp from MATLAB's command line. However, this can also be done from the GUI. Also, teh same procces can be done for channel measures if you are interested on it (see std_precomp.m help).

[STUDY ALLEEG]  = std_precomp(STUDY, ALLEEG, 'components','savetrials','on','recompute','on','erp','on','scalp','on','erpparams',{'rmbase' [-100 0]});

Clustering components

Why cluster? (from EEGLAB wiki )

Is my Cz your Cz? To compare electrophysiological results across subjects, the usual practice of most researchers has been to identify scalp channels (for instance, considering recorded channel "Cz" in every subject's data to be spatially equivalent). Actually, this is an idealization, since the spatial relationship of any physical electrode site (for instance, Cz, the vertex in the International 10-20 System electrode labeling convention) to the underlying cortical areas that generate the activities summed by the (Cz) channel may be rather different in different subjects, depending on the physical locations, extents, and particularly the orientations of the cortical source areas, both in relation to the 'active' electrode site (e.g., Cz) and/or to its recorded reference channel (for example, the nose, right mastoid, or other site).

That is, data recorded from equivalent channel locations (Cz) in different subjects may sum activity of different mixtures of underlying cortical EEG sources, no matter how accurately the equivalent electrode locations were measured on the scalp. This fact is commonly ignored in EEG research.

Is my IC your IC? Following ICA (or other linear) decomposition, however, there is no natural and easy way to identify a component from one subject with one (or more) component(s) from another subject. A pair of independent components (ICs) from two subjects might resemble and/or differ from each other in many ways and to different degrees -- by differences in their scalp maps, power spectra, ERPs, ERSPs, ITCs, or etc. Thus, there are many possible (distance) measures of similarity, and many different ways of combining activity measures into a global distance measure to estimate component pair similarity.

Thus, the problem of identifying equivalent components across subjects is non-trivial. An attempt at doing this for 31-channel data was published in 2002 and 2004 in papers whose preparation required elaborate custom scripting (by Westerfield, Makeig, and Delorme). A 2005 paper by Onton et al. reported on dynamics of a frontal midline component cluster identified in 71-channel data. EEGLAB now contains functions and supporting structures for flexibly and efficiently performing and evaluating component clustering across subjects and conditions. With its supporting data structures and stand-alone 'std_' prefix analysis functions, EEGLAB makes it possible to summarize results of ICA-based analysis across more than one condition from a large number of subjects. This should make more routine use of linear decomposition and ICA possible to apply to a wide variety of hypothesis testing on datasets from several to many subjects.

The number of EEGLAB clustering and cluster-based functions will doubtless continue to grow in number and power in the future versions, since they allow the realistic use of ICA decomposition in hypothesis-driven research on large or small subject populations.

NOTE: Independent component clustering (like much other data clustering) has no single 'correct' solution. Interpreting results of component clustering, therefore, warrants caution. Claims to discovery of physiological facts from component clustering should be accompanied by thoughtful caveat and, preferably, by results of statistical testing against suitable null hypotheses.

Now, back to our example. Before clustering all the components, it is necessary to make some sort of processing to ensure that the measures selected to base the clustering on contributing to the process in a meaningful way. Se more info [here]. To do so, the sample code below can be used. In this example, ERPs, scalp maps (inverse of ICA decomposition) and dipoles were used to cluster all the ICs.

[STUDY ALLEEG]  = std_preclust(STUDY, ALLEEG, 1,{'erp' 'npca' 10 'weight' 1 'timewindow' [100 800]  'erpfilter' '25'},...
                                                {'scalp' 'npca' 10 'weight' 1 'abso' 1},...
                                                {'dipoles' 'weight' 10});

After preclustering the ICs, we can proceed to cluster them by using the sample code below. Here we used kmeans and requested 16 clusters. As a result, the EEGLAB environment it will displays 17 clusters (one parent cluster and teh 16 clusters requested)

[STUDY]         = pop_clust(STUDY, ALLEEG, 'algorithm','kmeans','clus_num',  16 , 'outliers',  2.8 );

STUDY results visualization

At this point, we can visualize the results of clustering the ICs from all subjects included in the STUDY. In the example here, we will look for signatures on the brain responses that indicate differences in the responses to the presentation of the tree type of faces (familiar or famous, unfamiliar and scrambled).

Scalp maps and dipoles on clustered ICs

The figure below shows the average scalp maps of each of the clusters obtained (EEGLAB sample code below). An interesting point here is the reproducibility of these results. Given the algorithm used (K-means), it is possible and almost surely, that every time we run the clustering we will obtain the clusters in a different order (e.g, cluster 2 in one run can be cluster 5 in the next run). This should not be a point of conflict in analyzing the results as is a natural result of the method used.

WH STUDY figures scalpmaps.jpeg
STUDY = std_topoplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'clusters',2:17, 'design', 1);

The next figure shows the clustered ICs laying on a head template. In this visualization, we can asses the relative location in the brain of the cluster centroids. This may lead to further analysis, by elaborating results based on the anatomical location and the dynamics of the brain response itself.

WH STUDY figures dipoles.jpeg
STUDY = std_dipplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'clusters',2:17, 'design', 1);

ERPs on clustered ICs

In the same way that we were able to plot the mean scalp map and dipoles associated to each cluster, the rest of measures associated(e.g., ERPs, ERSP, ITC) can also be displayed. The figure below shows the mean IC time courses associated with the presentation of the three type of faces on each cluster. In the sample code below, the parameters for the plots are first defined with pop_erpparams (low pass filtering and time range).

STUDY = pop_erpparams(STUDY, 'filter',15,'timerange',[-100 500], 'ylim', opt.ylimval);
STUDY = std_erpplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'clusters',2:17, 'design', 1);
WH STUDY figures erps.jpeg

With these results in hand, one might continue the analysis by assessing, for example, the dynamics in cluster 8 (as shown in the figure below). In this figure, it can be seen that brain responses around the right fusiform gyrus, as indicated by an online Talairach atlas given the Talairach XYZ coordinates, appear to be stronger for the presentation of scrambled faces. Responses to presentations of familiar and unfamiliar faces appear to be similar. The affinity of the fusiform gyrus to the presentation of faces has been well described. This explains why the responses to the presentation of familiar and unfamiliar faces appear similar. It may also explain the difference between the responses to scrambled faces since this is a deviant stimulus. However, we can not explicitly put forwards these conclusions without a proper statistical analysis of our results.

WH STUDY figures cls8.jpeg

Indeed, EEGLAB provides a great framework for the statistical analysis of electrophysiological data. EEGLAB allows users to use either parametric or non-parametric statistics to compute and estimate the reliability of these differences across conditions and/or groups (see

Statistical Analysis

In the near future, statistical analysis based on hierarchical general linear models (within subjects, between subjects) will be the default approach supported by EEGLAB. In this approach, model parameters are estimated for any selected data measures (ERP, ERSP, power spectra, etc.) independently at each time (or time/frequency) point for each subject and each source process (or other spatial channel combination). Parameters estimated in these first-level (within-subject) analyses are then integrated across subjects into a second-level GLM, similar to the approach used to analyze fMRI data. Analysis of data following decomposition into independent component source processes (or other decomposition) is supported. To effect this integration and the consequent extension of statistical analysis available in EEGLAB, we have developed functions to define and test statistical contrasts, to visualize their results, and to interact with the user via intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs). EEGLAB internal data and file structures have been modified to improve computation speed while bearing the burden of increased data storage required for more complete single trial-based data analysis. This wiki will be updated soon to show results and demos on this regard. Meanwhile, take a look at this poster on the LIMO-EEGLAB integration and the application to the Wakeman-Henson set of data.